In order to facilitate 3D print charges, the GVU Prototyping Lab handles billing through the Georgia Tech Shared User Management System (SUMS). As such, researchers must have a billing group created in SUMS prior to requesting 3D prints. The following instructions cover the basic process of creating one, however more in-depth instructions can be found at the SUMS help page.
Before you begin:
SUMS draws its username and person data from the Georgia Tech login system, however users are only populated after their first login to SUMS itself. As such, before completing any step that requires adding users to a group or modifying user permissions, ensure all users have logged into SUMS at least once.
Permissions types in SUMS:
SUMS features the following general permissions for researchers within a billing group:
Member - no special permissions
"can Modify Settings" - Allows users to manage pretty much everything with the group (think Group Admin)
"can Modify Members" - Allows users to manage other users within the group (add, remove, change settings)
"can View Financial" - Allows users to view the financial information for the group (charges, budget, etc)
In order to modify user settings in the following steps, an individual will need either the "can Modify Settings" or the "can Modify Members" permission. Usuall the PI will have these available, but other researchers in the group may be given the authorization at the PI's discretion.
Requesting your group:
The proposed PI for a billing group must be the user to request a new group. The PI should navigate to the SUMS Research Group List, click the button that says "Click Here to Request a New Billing Group", and input the requisite information.
When requesting the new group creation, the PI is presented with the opportunity to add additional resesarchers to the group and set their permissions. Once the new group has been approved, all researchers attached will receive an e-mail confirmation.
Adding researchers to your Billing Group:
Any user with "can Modify Settings" or "can Modify Members" for your group can add researchers to the Billing Group. To do so, take the following steps:
- Log into SUMS and click on the appropriate Billing Group to get to the "info" page for that group
- Select the "User Management" tab in the gray bar between "Info" and "Budget by User"
- Click the "New BG Member" button above the table of Billing Group members
- Search for the appropriate user via GT Username in the "Member" field, and assign appropriate "can Modify" permissions
- You may set the maximum budget for the user now, or save this step for later (details covered in next section)
Setting permissions to allow charging researchers for prints:
In order for a researcher to request a print on behalf of your billing group, they must have a few settings properly enabled to allow billing. The charged researcher does not need any of the "can Modify" settings, however the researcher setting the permissions will need the "can Modify Settings" or "can Modify Members" permission. This admin should take the following steps:
- Log into SUMS and click on the appropriate Billing Group to get to the "info" page for that group
- Select the "User Management" tab in the gray bar between "Info" and "Budget by User"
- Click the name of the researcher who will have charges applied
- Set the maximum budget this user can draw from the PS Project (or leave at 0 to have no cap), then save
- Select the "Bill" tab in the gray bar between "Total Budget" and "Payment History"
- Click "Associated WorkDay Numbers"
- Click the dropdown "Add WorkDay Number" field.
- This will generate a prompt that allows you to associate a Workday Designated number for members of the group.
- If you select all members, then every member of the group will be able to assign charges to that PS#.
- After a member (or the group) has a Peoplesoft number assigned, you must select the default Workday number for that individual in the list of members at the bottom of the Associated WorkDay Numbers page "and press Set Default #'s".
Repeat these steps for each researcher who will be requesting prints from the GVU Prototyping Lab